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2 Million Active Trucking Carrier Contacts!
Over 2 million trucking carrier records to download in one .xlsx spreadsheet. The carrier’s information includes all the below parameters, such as names, emails, phone numbers, number of trucks and drivers, miles reported, etc. plus over 30 other parameters. This is the most recent list that has been released.
The authority list contains over 2 million contacts and you can open it in any table spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Open Office, Numbers, etc. The zip file contains a .xlsx file along with instructions
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Field names and descriptions are listed below:
DOT_NUMBER - Unique USDOT Number of the Motor Carrier
LEGAL_NAME - Legal name of a carrier
DBA_NAME - Carrier's Doing-Business-As name
CARRIER_OPERATION - Codes identifying carriers' type of Operation; A = Interstate, B = Intrastate Hazmat, C = Intrastate Non-Hazmat
HM_FLAG - Carrier is subject to placardable HM threshold ( Y = Yes, N = No)
PC_FLAG - Carrier is subject to passengercarrier Threshold (Y = Yes, N = No)
PHY_STREET - Physical street address of a carrier
PHY_CITY - Physical city of a carrier
PHY_STATE - Physical state of a carrier
PHY_ZIP - Physical zip code of a carrier
PHY_COUNTRY - Physical country of a carrier
MAILING_STREET - Mail street address of a carrier
MAILING_CITY - Mail city of a carrier
MAILING_STATE - Mail state of a carrier
MAILING_ZIP - Mail zip code of a carrier
MAILING_COUNTRY - Mail country of a carrier
TELEPHONE - Contact telephone number
FAX - Fax Number
EMAIL_ADDRESS - Contact email address
MCS150_DATE - Latest date MCS-150 was filed
MCS150_MILEAGE - Vehicle Mileage Traveled (VMT) reported on the carrier's MCS-150 form
MCS150_MILEAGE_YEAR - Year for which VMT was reported
ADD_DATE - Date when carrier information was added to MCMIS Database System
OIC_STATE - FMCSA State office with oversight for this carrier
NBR_POWER_UNIT - Number of power units reported
DRIVER_TOTAL - Number of drivers reported
RECENT_MILEAGE - Carrier's recent Vehicle Mileage Traveled (VMT) based on the most recent data
RECENT_MILEAGE_YEAR - Year for which Recent VMT was reported
VMT_SOURCE_ID - 1 - Census; 3 - Investigation
PRIVATE_ONLY - Y - Carrier's operation classified as private property, priver passenger business, and private passenger nonbusiness
but not authorized or exempt for hire
AUTHORIZED_FOR_HIRE - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Authorized For Hire
EXEMPT_FOR_HIRE - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Exempt For Hire
PRIVATE_PROPERTY - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Private Property
PRIVATE_PASSENGER_BUSINESS - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Private Passenger Business
PRIVATE_PASSENGER_NONBUSINESS - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Private Passenger Non-Business
MIGRANT - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Migrant
US_MAIL - Y - Carrier's operation classified as U.S. Mail
FEDERAL_GOVERNMENT - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Federal Government
STATE_GOVERNMENT - Y - Carrier's operation classified as State Government
LOCAL_GOVERNMENT - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Local Government
INDIAN_TRIBE - Y - Carrier's operation classified as Indian Tribe
OP_OTHER - Y - Carrier's operation classified as other than listed above